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cone 6 & glaze tests

updated wed 11 jul 01


Lynn Korbel on tue 10 jul 01

i have a controller and still use the cones--not every time--but sporadicaly
to insure my kiln is firing on target. i have been firing to cone 6. As it
is, i set my controller to cone 5 and cone 6 cones indicate a nice cone
6--and my glazes are nice so all must be well. i attribute this to a
different thermocouple (bought from another company) than the one the kiln
came with. Recently replaced all elements (also bought from another company
other than the kiln's manufacturer), and find setting the controller to cone
5 still gives me cone 6. just did a glaze fire sans cones because i know the
kiln is operating fine these days. thank you so much for posting your glaze
tests results. i also use standard clay 112 -- my favorite because of the
speckles. Best wishes.
on the golden gulf coast where it is 100 degrees under the oak trees. No
problem with slow cooling the kiln today! MaMa brown thrasher has her
babies out--so sweet with those long beaks they need to grow into.