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anagama "shake&bake"

updated tue 31 jul 01


Merrie Boerner on mon 30 jul 01

A friend used this shake and bake method here once.......
We pushed hard wood ash from a fire place through a window screen into a
He sprayed the top 1/3 of his pot with Elmer's school glue which had been
diluted with water.
While the glue was still wet, he sifted the ash onto the pot with a flour
sifter. The ash was just thick enough to be solid coverage on the shoulder
and rim of the pot, and thicker on one side (as if the wood fire had put it
We placed these pots toward the back of the kiln in the cooler spot (cone
10/11) .
The results were nice.
The oak ash at that temp. was opaque and dripped about 3 to 4 inches down
the sides of the pot.