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recipes needed

updated sat 4 aug 01


L. P. Skeen on thu 2 aug 01

Ok folks, I've been through most of the submissions and still need =
recipes in the following areas:

1. Desserts that are not chocolate or cheesecake. =20
2. Desperately need bread recipes
3. Vegetables

Please type them into an email in the following format:

Ingredients (do not abbreviate; use whole words such as teaspoon, pound, =
ounce, etc.)
Your name
Your Email address

If you need a visual aid, go to http://
click on Clayart Cooks!, and have a look at the sample cookbook page =
there. Please note that your anecdotal and editorial comments will not =
be included (ie: this recipe came from my great aunt's poodle's mum, and =
has been passed down....) because there is only SO much space in the =

Send your email to me at

DO NOT (I repeat, NOT) include any images.

Thanks. :)

L. P. Skeen
Living Tree Pottery & Handmade Soaps, Summerfield, NC
Info about the SESoapers conference: =
"Just because nobody understands you does NOT mean that you are an =