Stephani Stephenson on wed 29 aug 01
Combination of many factors makes for a successful workshop.
It is really tough to assess ahead of time whether 'if you build it
,will they come?'
The workshop I taught at Alchemie Studio earlier in the year was
enormously successful , enrollment wise.
A month before the workshop I was afraid it would be a no go, then found
myself in the opposite position of having to decide if and how many
EXTRA people could be accommodated . We had to actually close the
workshop as it became overenrolled to a point where we could not
accommodate the number who expressed interest. I was delighted and
amazed at the response .
I n retrospect feel that the following contribute to the success, though
it is difficult to gauge which factors are the ones which will really
draw people to the workshop
Some factors:
Name recognition. For example , my associate and Alchemie founder,
Laird Plumleigh, is well known in the tile making world . He rarely
participates in a workshop and some people may have known that this was
a good opportunity..
The subject matter seemed to strike a chord, the right subject at the
right time.
The participation of people from groups such as CLAYART, and S.
California potters groups, was key
Association with a legit nonprofit, THF, and operating under their
umbrella 'slate of workshops' may have been a factor.
Demonstration of professional attitude, support, ability.
Local accommodations. In this case, an easy, pleasant seaside location
with good local accommodations and post workshop dining choices may have
been desirable for out of town participants
something unique you can offer. If it isn't a name, then what is it
about your subject matter, your teaching ability, the facility ,that
will draw people?
Your friends and associates. the people that know you. #1 core group. I
believe you said you have had students in the past. Would they be
enthusiastic about attending your workshop, recommending it to others?
Local and nearby audience. Who are they? what are their interests? This
is perhaps #2 core group. i am amazed at how many people are tucked
away in even the most remote places.
Nearest major population center. Probably Los Angeles. Maybe # 2 core
group. What groups can you tap into there?
There are a lot of factors. what can you offer, timing, how can you
present your workshop so folks just have to get in their cars and go
to that workshop?
hope this helps.
Stephani Stephenson
Carlsbad CA
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