Mert & Holly Kilpatrick on fri 31 aug 01
I'm the type who likes reading through glaze recipes as much as reading
through seed catalogs, so I am thrilled with Michael Bailey's book, Glazes,
Cone 6 which just arrived today. I can't review it because I just leafed
through it, but it's full of recipes and test tiles photos and
scatterdiagrams with silica molecular parts on the x axis and alumina
molecular parts on the y axis. Just the thing to look into after Ian
Currie's 5x7 grid "glaze graphs". All ^6 oxidation, with chapters on
transparent glazes, alumina matts, high alkaline earth matt glazes, etc for
other types, coloration, glaze fit, and some chapters on special types like
Jun and Lustre. Lots of charts. Plus some recipes, pictures and notes by
some famous Clayarters. AND instructions for subscribing to Clayart.
So if you are one of those people who can't resist trying 5 more new glazes,
and have cartons of glaze test tiles that your spouse doesn't understand the
need for saving, and your family asks you if you don't think maybe you could
stop testing and start just making need this book.
PS: Another good thing about it, I just leafed through it again and guess
what, no gerstley borate! Funny how they got along all those years in
England without it. So it's the perfect book for someone just starting who
hasn't gotten hooked on all those gerstley glazes.
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