LOWELL BAKER on sat 1 sep 01
Thanks for the support Mel. I will include your note in my next
application for a raise.
I don't see any real need to defend the burner it simply is what it is.
You can't hear nature beyond the din of the motor so if that's what
you want it won't work for you. It won't work without electricity and
equipment, so if you don't like that stuff it's not for you.
I am currently working on a burner system for those people who
don't like the idea of burning sawdust with a machine. The basis of
the process is that you sweep the sawdust up into a pile; add a
quart or so of Elmer's School Glue and mix it well. (Don't use the
resin glue because the fumes are deadly.) Then you form it into
logs. You should let the logs dry for a week or so unless you want
Elmer's Water Reduction". If you want to stoke a limp log that
really becomes a personal aesthetic issue and the "results may
Anyway you stoke the Elmer's logs until you reach the peak
temperature; hold it there until you have a good story to tell or
reach an appropriate level of suffering. Then you seal up the kiln
and go home to sleep the sleep of angels.
The point of this is there are no right or wrong ways so long as you
and your kiln are equally satisfied.
It has been a pleasure, but I really need to get back to something
more constructive.
on a really rainy football game day, where the fans are about to
block my car in.
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