clennell on sun 2 sep 01
I have received some really interesting notes from readers of Clay Times
about my last article "Let Your Frak Flag Fly". the mother of a kid with a
red, white and blue Mohawk haircut in rural Arkansas. Women quitting their
jobs and yes leaving their husbands to go back to art school. they didn't
like what they had become and had a flag to unrole and let fly. I must say
I have really been touched by the stuff I have heard. I just copied one for
you all to read. shit, I got a tear coming. Never really sat down and
thought about how writing something can mean so much.
Hope you enjoy it.
Your article came just in time! I read the article three times and each
time it made me cry. My son is an artist, 22 yrs. old, and is getting his
education through work studies at Penland School of Crafts and Touchstone
School of Crafts. He works when he can find it. I worry about him not
having a "regular" job, though I have always encouraged my children to be
who they are. I have helped him pay his rent and have bought him food while
he's at "school" even though I am trying desperately to save for retirement,
buy a car and to buy a home through city funding. I almost forgot how
important it is to live your life to the fullest even if that means it being
a little empty of the" not so important stuff"!
Because of your article my son and I made a "deal" today. I will never let
him starve and he'll never let me starve and we sealed it with a handshake.
I can't thank you enough.
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