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jack troy inspiration

updated wed 5 sep 01


Heidi Haugen on tue 4 sep 01

thanks so much for the posting of jack troy's list of truly
work-altering questions, i've been thinking about the first one (what
would you do in clay if you only had six months to live and why aren't
you doing it now?) for almost a week-i can't tell you what a profound
effect it's having on me and hopefully my work.

on another note, am wondering if there are alternatives to the "normal"
kiln vent aluminum tubing for exhaust of my electric kiln. the aluminum
is a nightmare to put on and i can never tell if i've inadvertently
punched a hole in it somewhere. is there some other material that can
withstand the nasties??

heidi haugen in western montana where we're hoping it's "rain-o-clock"
sometime soon.