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memorial exhibition from australia

updated tue 18 sep 01


=?iso-8859-1?q?Peter=20Thomas?= on tue 18 sep 01

I would like to offer my deepest sympathies to the
people who lost so many loved ones in the attack on
America last week. It is a tragedy of emense
proportions, so large the entire world has been welded
together like never before in history old foes like
Russia and China have offered their support countries
such as Pakistan have offered for American forces to
be stationed on their soil. I have never before seen
nor have I heard of such togetherness from countries
who have traditionally been enemies of the USA. The
world truly has changed either it's for the long run
only time will tell.
Australia has offered military and humanitarian
support to the families who lost someone in the
attack. Australia also lost many lives in the tragedy
and I would like to help out in some small way, the
exhibition proposed on this list I think is a very
good idea and if I can contribute I certainly will. I
will keep watching for more information about this
effort to ease the pain that the whole world is now
Until then Peter Thomas. - Yahoo! Travel
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