Edouard Bastarache on thu 20 sep 01
Hello Ron,
here is Smart-Conseil's last answer:
"Hello Ed,
I transmitted my personal experience to you, but my article reports
globally the experiments of those I know well, and the temperature of 135=
relates to glazes opacified with ZrSiO4 used in sanitary ceramics.
RRoy is nice, but say to him that I do not seek to torpedo ceramics and t=
my infos
are checked and validated by, often industrial, experiments.
The vast field of application of ceramic products is impossible to summar=
in articles with such general scopes, therefore I choose to point out the
most current
cases which I know well while allowing my visitors to ask me questions in
to give them them more precise details."
Edouard Bastarache
Irreductible Quebecois
Ron Roy on sat 22 sep 01
Hi Edouard,
You lost me some somewhere - what is the torpedo reference?
Perhaps he means that those who do not take care can affect all sales of
studio made ware?
What I wanted to know - is he saying he can make glazes at cone 04 which
will pass the leaching tests when using encapsulated cadmium stains?
If that is so it would be to our advantage to find out as much as possible
about glaze formulation and firing conditions.
Just knowing it is possible will be a help.
>here is Smart-Conseil's last answer:
>"Hello Ed,
>I transmitted my personal experience to you, but my article reports
>globally the experiments of those I know well, and the temperature of 1350=
>relates to glazes opacified with ZrSiO4 used in sanitary ceramics.
>RRoy is nice, but say to him that I do not seek to torpedo ceramics and tha=
>my infos
>are checked and validated by, often industrial, experiments.
>The vast field of application of ceramic products is impossible to summariz=
>in articles with such general scopes, therefore I choose to point out the
>most current
>cases which I know well while allowing my visitors to ask me questions in
>to give them them more precise details."
Ron Roy
RR# 4
15084 Little Lake Rd..
Ontario, Canada
Residence 613-475-9544
Studio 613-475-3715
=46ax 613-475-3513
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