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report on clay body problems, bloat

updated tue 25 sep 01


LJTCW@AOL.COM on mon 24 sep 01

I just spoke with my clay supplier who thinks the problem is "lime" in the
fire clay from the mine. They have offered to exchange my clay which of
course means that someone else may have my 600 pounds. I will exchange it
though. They also said they had one more call about the problem with another
clay body, Barbs Body. I have heard that there is a similar problem with B
mix and with Laguna #850. I remember a long discussion about B mix several
months ago and will go to the archives to see if the problem was bloat.
They also suggested that I bisque to 02. I foresee a problem with that as
it certainly will alter the glaze application. I do dip most pieces into the
The bloat seems to happen on about 1/3 of the pieces in the last load and
several from the previous glaze load. They were bisqued in different loads.
The clay is a different color, darker, that previous batches and has a course
white material showing through, especially on the bottoms that have been
I will be interested to read any more ideas on the subject when I get back.

Louise Jenks
Turtle Clayworks
Cincinnati OH USA