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a clay commemorative for sept. 11th - a tile memorial

updated wed 26 sep 01


Craig Fulladosa on tue 25 sep 01

I was wondering if anyone else has offered this idea here. At a high school
I taught at several years ago I planned to make memorial tiles memorializing
students that had passed on. They were to be installed next to rose bushes
planted in their memory. Well the bushes are their but I left the school
before I could get the ball rolling for the tiles. I had only one person
that offered to help on that project. I may be able to finish with some
Is it possible to ask Clay Art potters to make 1 or more tiles bearing the
name of the person that was killed in the disasters?
Any info about that person could even be made into symbolic images on the
tiles and then they could be placed somewhere near the site or on the site
or somewhere as a memorial, to be remembered. I know it is a huge poject but
I believe one our very own here took on a big tile project for the
millennium tile path in Europe, right?
I am just planting a seed for thought. I know I could make a few tiles
What do you think.

Craig Fulladosa
the Clayman

-----Original Message-----
From: Ceramic Arts Discussion List [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG]On
Behalf Of Llewellyn Kouba
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 8:00 PM
Subject: A Clay Commemorative for Sept. 11th


Clay work Commemorative for Sept 11, 2001

I have just completed and added a single page to my web site that depicts
two vessels from my latest firing. I still have a number of pottery pieces
(new) to be entered yet from my last firing but thought you might be
interested in seeing what I have done. I understand that other computers
may have differing text selections available but hope that the page is
clear, simple, and not offending anyone.

To access: Click on my web-page and scroll down to the bottom and enter the
page titled:
'New Fire' (current work) the top of the page you will find a page
titled "ANGELWING'

Thank you

Br. Llewellyn Kouba OSB
Abbey Pottery

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