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updated sat 29 sep 01


artimater on fri 28 sep 01

Vince wrote:
I am not going to waste my time responding to artimater's reply to me =
regarding cutting bats with a bandsaw. Suffice to say that anyone with =
proper instructions and a proper jig and a little training on the =
bandsaw can cut vast quantities of perfect bats without causing any =
damage to the bandsaw and with very little wear and tear on the blade

I believe that counts as a responce....and I guess it works for YOU =
cause you don't mention any of the points I made....Well CLAYART can =
make do with YOUR side of the story....Didn't YOU write a book about =
Suffice to say that anyone who knows what a bandsaw is made for =
and how to use it, could cut more "perfect" bats faster with less wear =
on the machine...I'm not really into sparks and smoke coming from my =
machines....I hope the inscrutable unquestionable V has me back on kill =
filter so that he doesn't have to "NOT" reply again...
What a_______(fill in blank-I didHEHEHE)

"I only indulge when I've seen a snake, so I keep a supply of =
indulgences and snakes handy"

Cindy Strnad on fri 28 sep 01

Come on, Don.

Bandsaws work great for cutting bats with a guide.
And no, I couldn't come close to a circle without
one. No sparks--just nice true circles in a tenth
of the time.

Cindy Strnad
Earthen Vessels Pottery
RR 1, Box 51
Custer, SD 57730