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monitoring an electric kiln/potters council

updated fri 5 oct 01


Frederich, Tim on thu 4 oct 01

Orton has developed the software that Paragon will be using with the new
Sentry controller to connect to a computer. It is a version of our
Controlmaster software that has been used to conect Orton controllers to
computers for several years. It allows you to program and to monitor your
kiln(s) from a remote location and to save the data and print it for future
review and use. More information can be obtained from Orton or many of our

I just recieved word that the Potters Council is now over 1300 members
strong and growing daily. What a great response! We are in the final stages
of finishing the Bylaws and establishing committees. Look for more
information in the next newsletter. We will be calling for volunteers and
will be ready to move forward in fulfilling the mission of the Potters

Clay people are the greatest!

Best regards,
