Cindy Strnad on thu 4 oct 01
Go ahead and give it a try, Jamie.
You never know what will happen. Some glazes will
take two firings just fine, some develop more
pinholes, run off the pot, lose their color, etc.
The second firing, in a perfect world, should not
be quite as hot as the first one. The second
firing *must* proceed slowly and gently,
especially if the piece is large and fully glazed.
Your tile might make it through just fine, but
then, if it's thick, it might not. If it doesn't,
you'll know it, because it will explode and there
will be at least one shard on every other perfect
pot in the kiln. If you have a pot with a crack in
the base, it won't have a shard. Murphy's Law. So
fire slow.
Best wishes,
Cindy Strnad
Earthen Vessels Pottery
RR 1, Box 51
Custer, SD 57730
Ray Gonzalez on thu 4 oct 01
yes, it is okay to do. i often take the glaze that is above the wet glaze.
there is often a pasty slightly thick layer of glaze stuck to the side of
the bucket. i dab a little on my finger, put in in the pinhole and around
the hole and when it is dry, "sand" with my finger tip. refire. works well.
besides, what are you going to loose. it does not sound as though you are
overwhelmingly happy with it with the pinhole. good luck
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 6:48 AM
Subject: pinhole
> Love this message board. Nothing like taking a break at the computer with
> cup of coffee, and being "in touch" with so many potters around the world.
> Remember- I'm not a potter, I just play one on TV. Just a quick question-
> I have glazed something (a tile) and have one slight imperfection (I think
> it's called a pin hole) in the glaze, is it all right to dab on a bit of
> glaze and re-fire it? Any ramifications to firing a piece twice? The
> tile was fired to ^5 and the re-fire will be the same.
> Thanks in advance.
> Jamie
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> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
Wooditis@AOL.COM on thu 4 oct 01
Love this message board. Nothing like taking a break at the computer with a
cup of coffee, and being "in touch" with so many potters around the world.
Remember- I'm not a potter, I just play one on TV. Just a quick question- If
I have glazed something (a tile) and have one slight imperfection (I think
it's called a pin hole) in the glaze, is it all right to dab on a bit of
glaze and re-fire it? Any ramifications to firing a piece twice? The original
tile was fired to ^5 and the re-fire will be the same.
Thanks in advance.
Lily Krakowski on wed 11 dec 02
Well, pop goes the footrim--maybe. Generally the pinhole closes in firing
so it is not a problem. If you have a really really open clay you may get
away without the hole. But put it in where it won'd show like at the bottom
Carol Ross writes:
> Yup - you've got to give the air which expands during firing a way out.
> Just a tiny hole made with a needle tool will do...
>> If I make a thrown ring that is hollow do I have to put a hole in it? I have
>> been told if there isnt a hole it will blow up in the firing . Is this true. I
>> want to use the ring as a base for a soup tureen and do not want a hole in it.
>> Thanks for any help.
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>> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Send postings to
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
Lili Krakowski
P.O. Box #1
Constableville, N.Y.
(315) 942-5916/ 397-2389
Be of good courage....
Lili Krakowski on sat 20 sep 08
Every word John H wrote is golden. But let me add a small point.
I have had pinholes appear "suddenly" in clay bodies from
something having fallen in or gotten into the recycling. And I
have gotten pinholes "suddenly" with a new batch of clay--i.e. a
different batch of the "same" clay.
And I have had pinholes from firing the bisque too fast. As far
as I am concerned while it definitely matters to fire bisque as
slowly as possible.
If one considers, as I do, the firing/opening of a glaze kiln a
blend of Yom Kippur and Christmas then firing bisque too fast is
definitely a "rush to judgment".
Lili Krakowski
Be of good courage
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