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lifecasting links, silicone in clay

updated thu 18 oct 01


GlassyClass on wed 17 oct 01

I had a computer crash, had to restore from an old ghost image so lost my
posting info. Have figured out how to get it back.

During a search for silicone mixed with clay, I came across some links that
might be helpful to those that were interested in Lifecasting.

On the silicone with clay issue, seems that it is not waterbased clay that
it is used with, although I have just found a page that might be a key,
perhaps what we are really looking at is a silicone that is water friendly
or can be used in a water based clay. And no, do not really know what I am
looking for, just trying to find information.

Dimethicone (SF96-350) perhaps A.K.A. SF96/350 Silicone Fluid
