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: re: masons stains as body stain/danish clay

updated fri 2 nov 01


Alisa og Claus Clausen on thu 1 nov 01

>Dear Susan,
>I add between 10 and 12 percent stains (oxides different) to glazes,=20
>engobes and slips.
>That about covers it the dry stuff. For wet clays, I go by color. It=20
>works out fine, by weding in the
slurry or dry powders some at a time.

>I am thinking what is your clay called? Is it Vedstaarup, the 9 series?
>I had the opportunity to try about 25 clays imported here, and the only=20
>Danish ones were
>either from Vedstaarup and Royal Copenhagen. I use Vedstaarup now as a=20
>staple, white with and without
>iron flecks. Otherwise they have a black stoneware and=20
>terracottas. Great clay bodies, great price at ca. 18 cents per pound,=20
>compared to the German, Hungarian and English clays we can get here. Also=
>some good clays, butdouble and triple the pound price.
>Let me know, as it would be interesting to hear what it is.
>Best regards,
>Alisa in Denmark
>Varn=E6svej 171
>DK 6200 Aabenraa
>Alisa's Pot Shop
>Skolegade 3
>6200 Aabenraa