Eric Mindling on fri 2 nov 01
PRE-COLOMBIAN POTTERY WORKSHOP. Oaxaca, Mexico. Indigenous pottery from the
hands of masters.
This is an intensive, hands in the clay workshop that gives us the
very rare opportunity of being immersed into the pottery making and life of
a small Zapotec village called San Marcos Tlapazola. The village is in the
high, central valley of Oaxaca, Mexico which was and is the cradle of
Zapotec civilization. We will be staying in San Marcos for four and a half
days working with our teachers through the process of creating a pot.
Beginning by gathering and preparing clay, then working our way through the
unusual steps of this wheelless, Pre-Colombian hand-building technique, we
will do our best to understand this challenging method. On our last day we
will woodfire our pots in the tumble stack surface firing used in this
village. With a little luck, when the coals burn down we will have well
formed, red slipped and burnished pots with wonderful burnmarks (see
-Finding Oaxaca- in CM Feb. 2000).
The additional days will be spent visiting two other valley pottery
villages, San Bartolo Coyotepec, and Santa Maria Atzompa where we will see
two very different styles of pottery being produced. In Atzompa we will
visit with Dolores Porras who began the multi-colored glaze tradition in
this village in the 1980's. We will also visit with Angelica Vasquez, one
of Mexico's most talented and inspired potters. Much of her work is centered
around depicting in clay the old Oaxacan myths and legends told to her by
her grandmother. (Both of these women are featured in the Chronicle Press
book "Oaxacan Ceramics"). In Coyotepec we will visit with Leopoldo
Barranco, who makes traditional black-fired ware.
Session 1- Dec 10-15, 2001
Session 2-March 18-23, 2002
Workshop cost is $595. This includes workshop fee, museum entrance, all
materials, hotel Sun.-Sat night and most meals. Max group size: eight
participants/two guides.
FOR MORE INFO write Eric Mindling at and/or visit
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Rachel Werling, botanist
Eric Mindling, potterologist
Apto Postal 1452
Oaxaca, Oax.
cp 68000
phone 011 52 (954) 7-4534
fax 011 52 (952) 1-4186
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