Clay Coordinator on tue 6 nov 01
Hey, I saw your reds and it looks like you got it. The clear parts on the
top of the one cup indicates that those areas got too hot before you began
reduction. So just begin reduction earlier and see if that helps.
Another trick you may like is to put a rutile wash over the red and it
blushes milky and bluish. Looks great.
John Britt
Penland Clay
Chris Jones on wed 7 nov 01
Hello again,
The pictures of red pots on my site were typically tests fired with my
general glaze mixes and firing schedule. ^06 reduction, hold the kiln in
reduction until ^10-11 goes down. There were two things I did different in
my last firing. One was that I only went to ^8-9, and the other is that I
didn't close up the kiln (dampers) like I did in the successful red test
firings. I will try that next. Thank you all again for your suggestions. I
will keep posting results.
Chris Jones
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