Marianne Lombardo on wed 7 nov 01
The method of going to the web site and searching the archives by subject is
one good way. Very good, in fact, because one gets an opportunity to poke
around and dig and see everything interesting in there.
Another method I like to use is to send an e-mail direct to the list server
and make it do the work for me. It sends me an e-mail back with an answer.
Send an e-mail to LISTSERV@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG with nothing in the subject
line. The only other typing should be the command being asked. Example to
search by SUBJECT for the word "centering" one would type:
To search the entire message CONTENT for a topic, such as engobe or slip,
one would type:
SEARCH CLAYART engob englob slip
Reason for the two spellings of engobe is that it will find misspelled
variations of the word, and it can find part of a word (this I just
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