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arroyo slip

updated thu 15 nov 01


Jon Pacini on wed 14 nov 01

Greetings All--------the other day there was a request for info on Arroyo
Slip--here's a few glazes to try out

For ^5:
Gloss-trans Brown-Black (Traditional Bean Pot)
Arroyo Slip 80%
Neph syn A270 10%
Lithium carb 10%

For ^5-10
Speckled Brown-black (satin-matt at ^5, glossy and has redish-gold flcks at
Arroyo Slip 80%
Bone Ash 10%
Pioneer Talc 10%

For ^10
Gloss Speckled Red-Brown
Arroyo Slip 90%
Bone Ash 10%

I've run what seems like a few hundred tests with this material. Subbed it
into a lot of old formulas for Albany Slip from the 50's and 60's, old
Carlton Ball and Herb Sanders formulas, and it gives good results. Please
contact me directly if you have any further questions. ---------

Jon Pacini
Clay Manager
Laguna Clay Co