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: propane kiln, cone levels, uses (longish)

updated mon 26 nov 01


F.Chapman Baudelot on sun 25 nov 01

I don't think that this argument holds water (feeble pun not
intended). Ware suitable for domestic use can be made from clay that
matures at ^6 or lower, the key word being 'matures', and I do not believe
that reduction-firing in any way strengthens a pot. Of course, if a ^10
clay is fired to ^6 or so, the finished pot will be porous and less durable.
F. in Spain

Budd wrote:

>At the school, they teach that Cone 10+ reduction is the level that you
>ought to fire to if you are doing anything beyond children's pinch pots.
>Reasons given are durability, kitchen suitability, glaze effects, etc.