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cm/kurt wild's article

updated sat 1 dec 01


Joyce Lee on fri 30 nov 01

We claybuds witnessed the beginning research for Kurt's article in the =
latest Ceramics Monthly ...... "Another Way to Work," perseverance in =
the face of physical adversity. I'm touched to see that Kurt's concern =
... which grew to interest .... which then developed into admiration =
.... has gone public for us all to share.

The pertinent reward for me is that I thumbed through first as I always =
do, was put on hold for a bit in order to examine the intriguing work, =
moved on to flip a few more pages...... ho! wasn't that Kurt's name I =
saw as author? .... returned to read before scanning every single page, =
as I usually do before settling down to absorb ... yes, indeedy, these =
were the physically challenged potters Kurt asked us about several =
months ago. =20

Good job, Kurt. Good job, CM. Just demonstrates once again that a =
potter is a potter is a potter is a person.

In the Mojave=20