Russel Fouts on fri 14 dec 01
>> I have some of the beautifully made boxes that Japanese pottery came in, but I don't know what to do with them. They sit in a box, hidden away in the storage room. <<
Keep the boxes safe and cherish them. They're part of the provenance of
the ceramic pieces they contained. Sometimes the only provenance.
If they're really nice, you might put them on display as objects in
their own right.
Some of my shelves are deep enough that I can display the box as the
background to the pot. Nice.
Russel Fouts
Mes Potes & Mes Pots
Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 223 02 75
Mobile: +32 476 55 38 75
"There is a theory which states that
if ever anyone discovers exactly what
the universe is for and why it's here,
it will instantly disappear and be
replaced by something even more bizzarly
"There is another theory which states
that this has already happened!"
Douglas Adams' The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy
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