Lesley Alexander on mon 17 dec 01
'Iandol' asked for specs on grinding wheels. I talked to L & L
Abrasives (East L.A., www.landlabrasives.com, 800-473-1075) who faxed me
a chart. When I mentioned vitreous ceramics, he felt a diamond wheel
would be best for efficiency and longevity. Didn't check prices; of
course a diamond wheel is initially pricey, depends on how valuable your
time is and how long you plan to be in business.
Yes, there are grades; soft through I, medium J thru O, Hard P
through Z. Also grit size is graded coarse (their chart ran thru 24
here) medium (30-80) fine (90-220) and very fine (240 through 1200).
There are also differences in structure (dense thru 5, medium thru 8,
open thru 16) and bonding media. More than we wanted to know, probably!
What do you decide from this? Well, I'd call them or some equivalent
supplier, present your need, and see what they say.
Good luck! Lesley
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