Marcia Selsor on mon 17 dec 01
Dear Gail,
Glad you cleared that up! I think I got confused from Russel's comments.
I really do admire your soda glaze results.
Sorry for fueling confusion.
Marcia Selsor in Montana
Gail Nichols wrote:
> There seems to be some confusion in this thread. Despite some similarity between my name and Grace Nickel--one of the people identified with the Ontario workshop---it is NOT me. Just thought I should clarify that. I don't know Grace, but would class both Ruthanne and Vince as friends of mine and could recommend both workshops.
> (I have another friend, Val Nicholls here in Australia who also does soda glazing....this causes some confusion too!)
> For anyone interested in doing a Gail Nichols soda glaze workshop, I will be doing one at the Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, March 1-4 2002. Info is on the NCC website, or contact Sarah Millfelt, their Education Officer, at
> Also hope to meet some Clayarters at NCECA....
> Gail Nichols
> Sydney, Australia
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Marcia Selsor
Gail Nichols on tue 18 dec 01
There seems to be some confusion in this thread. Despite some =
similarity between my name and Grace Nickel--one of the people =
identified with the Ontario workshop---it is NOT me. Just thought I =
should clarify that. I don't know Grace, but would class both Ruthanne =
and Vince as friends of mine and could recommend both workshops. =20
(I have another friend, Val Nicholls here in Australia who also does =
soda glazing....this causes some confusion too!) =20
For anyone interested in doing a Gail Nichols soda glaze workshop, I =
will be doing one at the Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, March 1-4 =
2002. Info is on the NCC website, or contact Sarah Millfelt, their =
Education Officer, at
Also hope to meet some Clayarters at NCECA....
Gail Nichols
Sydney, Australia
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