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cornwall stone colour changes

updated fri 28 dec 01


iandol on wed 26 dec 01

Dear Carol,

How the gremlins conspire to thwart us!!.

Could you by any chance have had some unexpected reduction in your kiln =
during that firing? If so, you may be suffering from Complementary Hue =
Degredation!! which is an optical effect. NOthing to do with your =
Cornish Stone. Recall discussions earlier in the year regarding Cobalt =
greens and how these could occur when Cobalt Ox. or Carb. were used in =
conjunction with Rutile? Under conditions of reduction the Copper =
changes to red which reacts optically with the cobalt green to give =
Bright Gunge. Any residual cobalt blue will enhance the Olive tone.

A Happy New year to you.

Best regards,
