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posting and just rewards ; was: re: posting recipes

updated sat 5 jan 02


Lee Love on sat 5 jan 02

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Buck"

> You sir imply that my efforts to discuss technical matters on
> Clayart are for personal gain, I wish to write a book and sell
> it.

Hay Tom, don't blow da tuque off da top of yer head, man. It's cold up
dare in Hamilton dis time a year. ;^) You betcha'! (I moved to Mashiko
from Minnesota)

I had no opinion on your abilities to write a book and make money off
it. You said you stopped posting to Clayart to publish. I'd hate to see
you stop posting here because of thinking that posting your ideas would hinder
your publishing of your work.

> Your views are harsh to say the least but quite in keeping with
> the nature of Clayart.

Not harsh at all. I thought you were a little harsh in implying
that folks here would hurt your ability to publish. I think folks here can
help you with your writing. You've got the eye & minds of several thousand
folks here and, they might be able to make some suggestions, if you are willing
to listen. LISTEN, is the operative word.

> Tell me, sir: Why should my chemical engineering training enhanced
> by years of communication skill be freely donated to Clayart. Where is my
> obligation?

No obligation. Absolutely none. There are no participation
requirements here for membership. But I encourage EVERYBODY, to share here and
not just be passive vessels to be filled up. The interaction is what makes
this forum unique.

> Why should I not expect my intellectual efforts be rewarded in
> some small manner?

Why not? I never raised that issue. I intend to publish work
and I won't turn my back on any reward. :^)

> If I post solely to Clayart I can expect a few nice
> words and a pat on the back.

Again, why should posting to Clayart limit you from doing other things?
I don't understand this reasoning. It is a self imposed limitation.

>and Harsh Words from some.

Come on Tom. Put your tuque back on. ;^) If you are going to have
any staying power on the "mah-vol-lass" internet, you're going to have to
develop a thick skin. Well, a skin at least. :^)

> I do not wish to name-call. But I do resent being labelled
> unworthy of my engineering vocation.

Golly Tom, you just pull them out of the air, don't you? :^)

> and FYI, I will write/post another item to Clayart to further
> expand on this post of yours.

Please do so. But if you really want to know what I think, you
might be better off asking me. You've really "engineered" a lot of words
to put in my mouth already. "Communication skills" include LISTENING and
COMPREHENSION. The point of forums like ClayArt is dialog and communication.
Talk to ME Tom. TALK to me. And listen. I promise I'll try to do the

Let me tell you about two books I own from people who have contributed
here at ClayArt. They are fine books, something to aim at as an
achievement. The first one is Jack Troy's book: Wood-Fired Stoneware and
Porcelain. Jack is a fine writer. A writer's writer. He was active here
on ClayArt before his book came out. A great resource and fountain of
open-handed knoweldge. I bought his book, even though my interests in wood
firing were rather minimal at the time, because of the wealth of knowledge he
shared with us here. I bought my book from him directly and it is signed "To a
fellow ClayArt contributor." :^) Read more about it here:

The other book is Kevin Hluch's: The Art of Contemporary American
Pottery. I bought Kevin's book after reading some of his essays at his web
page. I knew I wanted to read a little more about the perspective he had on
pottery. I was not dissappointed. I recommend his book to everyone. Read
more about it here:

So don't dismiss the influence being a member of ClayArt has on people
being interested in your published work.


Lee Love
Mashiko JAPAN
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