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art ed.

updated mon 14 jan 02


Hluch - Kevin A. on sun 13 jan 02

Seetha, the twenty third century Artitron distilled from the human
(g)nome and outfitted with the most advanced perceptual electronics
(including a highly refined ocular receiver which compensated the gestate
eye) served Art Expressions International Corporation...and only
AEIC. He, (if it were possible to refer to this non-gendered
subspecies in this way) leaned against the doorway drained by fear and
worried about this new, startling emotion.
That, of course, was an aberration since his entire existence
sprung from the magnificent design, amplification and direction
of emotions bred into him. And he served only to produce Art Product for
the sole financial benfit of Ownerdom.
Technically, Seetha was a composite, both beast and machine. But
he was a benign monster and not likely to wander far from the AEIC's
direction. Besides Rosin, his Controller, was always there to insure a
straight and narrow path.
But somehow, he had strayed. Summoned by a irresistible force to hive
at sub-level 5 he watched his gathered dupes and stared in fascination
at the display....a display of what? He had never known nor seen anyone
make Art except by sitting at the ViewCom screen and manipulating the
electronic materia that would be transformed by the Class AA CerResin
Fabricator and delivered immediately to the InstaOvens for
vitrisolidation. THIS was the WAY it was DONE.
His Art was produced without the barest touch of the human hand.
After all, the human hand was inately clumsy and took years to
train. Profits could not wait! There-in lay the genius of AEIC. A
patented Artitron making copyrighted Art for the Consumers by way of the
Purveyors for the sole benefit of the five all-powerful, all knowing
TopBosses. The beauty of capitalism was in full flower. And besides,
this was Top Law.
As a cloned Artist, genetically synthesized from the (g)nome of
artists from the bygone twentieth century, Seetha was never trained or
schooled in his passion. He just was. Every aspect of both his bio
inputs and nano-electronic inputs were built around the organizing
principle of aesthetics: INSPIRATION. Because, after all, without
Inspiration there was no Art, only manufacture. Seetha took no
measure of any of this. Only in this fashion was he a dispassionate
Cowering in the doorway Seetha again heard the slap, whir and
monolithic yelp of excitement of the huddled Artitrons. Each was awash in
fabric, kneeling and circled around the lone figure in Crystal Hall.
But from directly behind Seetha sensed the almost imperceptible
landing of a combat boot on the titanium floor. Startled even further, his
emote level jumped to an alarming and dangerous level.
"What the hell are you doing HERE, you skinny rat's ass art
MONKEY?" Rosin barked.

Kevin A. Hluch
