K S on mon 14 jan 02
i have ordered a pint of the ITC for metals. i was hoping to use it for
new elements in my kiln. the distributor sent instructions for EVERY
ITC product, except the metal coat.
can anyone give me instructions on applying the ITC to my elements? i
do not have a spray gun, but i do have an airbrush.
thanks in advance
ken in kentucky
Roger Korn on mon 14 jan 02
I've used an airbrush with a VC-3 tip (Paasche). I place an overspray collector
behind the element and collect the overspray for reuse. I've also used a sheetrock
mud trough for a dipping tank and moved the element through the trough. Takes two
people so you don't knock the 213 off before it dries. Great stuff! Out of
curiosity, I weigh the dry element after dipping and record the info to see if 213
cuts down on element erosion. Sure seems to. I can't find ANY of the resistance
rise with use over time that seems to characterize the life of most elements. When
I was last in PDX, I got into a discussion out at Skutt on whether to use it on
their kilns before shipping. The desire to sell replacement elements was
counterbalanced by the lack of support hassles created when customers replace their
own elements and the boost to reputation gained from product improvement. Don't
know how this turned out. Feriz, are you reading this?
K S wrote:
> i have ordered a pint of the ITC for metals. i was hoping to use it for
> new elements in my kiln. the distributor sent instructions for EVERY
> ITC product, except the metal coat.
> can anyone give me instructions on applying the ITC to my elements? i
> do not have a spray gun, but i do have an airbrush.
> thanks in advance
> ken in kentucky
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at melpots@pclink.com.
Roger Korn
McKay Creek Ceramics
In AZ: PO Box 463
4215 Culpepper Ranch Rd
Rimrock, AZ 86335
928-567-5699 <-
In OR: PO Box 436
31330 NW Pacific Ave.
North Plains, OR 97133
Marcia Selsor on tue 15 jan 02
I put it on elements by following Mayor Mel's directions in Pottery Making Illustrated
or Clay Times regarding how to convert the electric to a reduction kiln. '
Dilute with 50% water (might be more..like 50/50 call and ask) in a blender until mix
well. I didn't use the whole container. Put it into a 5 gallon bucket and slide the
coil into the solution from one end to the other. It is like wrestling snakes. I hung
them over clothes lines to dry and touched up any place that needed it.
Hope this helps.
Marcia in Montana
> K S wrote:
> > i have ordered a pint of the ITC for metals. i was hoping to use it for
> > new elements in my kiln. the distributor sent instructions for EVERY
> > ITC product, except the metal coat.
> > can anyone give me instructions on applying the ITC to my elements? i
> > do not have a spray gun, but i do have an airbrush.
> > thanks in advance
> > ken in kentucky
> >
> > ______________________________________________________________________________
> > Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> >
> > You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> > settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
> >
> > Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at melpots@pclink.com.
> --
> Roger Korn
> McKay Creek Ceramics
> In AZ: PO Box 463
> 4215 Culpepper Ranch Rd
> Rimrock, AZ 86335
> 928-567-5699 <-
> In OR: PO Box 436
> 31330 NW Pacific Ave.
> North Plains, OR 97133
> 503-647-5464
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at melpots@pclink.com.
william schran on tue 15 jan 02
Ken - I'm certain Mel will speak up about procedure for coating
elements, but the main thing is to remove the oil from the coiling
process. You can scrub it off, but I simply leave them bunched in a
circle and fire them to about 1300=B0F to remove everything. I mix a
little water with the ITC in a cheap plastic drywall compound trough
(long rectangle shape) and run the elements through the ITC, being
careful not to coat the pig tails. Then just hang em up to dry.
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