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:cobalt oxide crazy post

updated wed 23 jan 02


iandol on tue 22 jan 02

Dear Tommy Humphries,

This sounds like a fundraiser for Congolese dissidents. At about $us 10 =
a pound it will buy a lot of obsolete Le Enfields and Kalashnikovs.

Suggest you make an offer of a dollar a pound. But be sure they are not =
terrorists or you will have Mr. B... on your tail!!!=20

Gosh, will blue pottery be the in thing for a few decades.


Best regards.


Tommy Humphries on tue 22 jan 02

That would sound like a great deal, except that the cobalt would still need
to be processed. I suspect that it is all still in rough ore form...5-20
pound chunks (anybody got a good pulverizer??)

Anyways this was not asking for money in exchange for the oxide itself...
only looking for $200 from "investors" to apply to the purchase of the
mineral...all returns would be in the form of "profit from the final sale"
of the cobalt to the distributors...

I think I will pass on this great opportunity :^)

Though a 20 pound chunk of raw cobalt oxide ore would look good on the shelf
with all my other rocks!

----- Original Message -----
From: "iandol"
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 9:26 PM
Subject: :Cobalt Oxide Crazy post

Dear Tommy Humphries,

This sounds like a fundraiser for Congolese dissidents. At about $us 10 a
pound it will buy a lot of obsolete Le Enfields and Kalashnikovs.

Suggest you make an offer of a dollar a pound. But be sure they are not
terrorists or you will have Mr. B... on your tail!!!

Gosh, will blue pottery be the in thing for a few decades.


Best regards.

