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flat, square and hollow coils

updated wed 23 jan 02


Karen Sullivan on tue 22 jan 02

It is interesting to watch all of the possible
forms that coils can take on in the hands of beginners...
My solutions are...
for flat coils...I pick up the coil and rotate it 1/4 turn...
put it back on the table and then start rolling again. So the predisposition
for rolling a flat coil is partially solved by changing the surface of
the coil that is getting the pressure...
Another technique is to pick up the coil and twist it
as though you are twisting or tightening a rope...then start rolling again.
Square...not letting the coil rotate even 180 degrees, round off the edges
and roll again.
hollow...not enough pressure...
I wish I had a horror picture reference to add...
but I guess that remains Snail's brilliance.
Perhaps the stance of terror when viewing the resulting coils.
Hope that helps...

I had always....or at least usually flattened my coils into a ribbon
to add to the form...I figured it was less work...
but I heard today that by doing so I am compressing the
clay 80% and therefore have less potential in forming the
shape by starting with flat/ribbon shaped coils...
So now I will adapt my strategy and see what happens.
I have been constructing large bottles...30 inches tall...
They go up quickly...are made on a kick wheel which acts
as a large banding wheel.....
I going to keep making them and stacking them in the front
yard...perhaps by Easter I can complain of the large
Easter egg rabbits that have invaded...or something...

Interesting...always learning new stuff...
bamboo karen