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rosette gault's books

updated sun 27 jan 02


Paul Lewing on fri 25 jan 02

on 1/25/02 12:32 PM, Penny Hosler at pshosler@OLYPEN.COM wrote:

> oes anyone know which of her books is best? There's one written in =
> 1993 (Paper Clay for Ceramic Sculptors: A Studio Companion) and one in =
> 1998 (Paper Clay - Ceramics Handbooks

Penny, get the later one. It has the benefit of 5 more years of research on
Rosette's part, plus information and photos she had collected from other
paperclay users in that 5 years.
Paul Lewing, Seattle

Penny Hosler on fri 25 jan 02

Does anyone know which of her books is best? There's one written in =
1993 (Paper Clay for Ceramic Sculptors: A Studio Companion) and one in =
1998 (Paper Clay - Ceramics Handbooks) .

Penny in WA