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_mastering cone 6 glazes_

updated thu 7 feb 02


John Hesselberth on sat 26 jan 02

Hi Everyone,

I want to thank all of you for the positive comments we have been receiving
both on and off list. It really warms our hearts to see the book so well
received. I'd also like to give a short status report.

Over the past few days Ron and I (plus, of course, Lucy and Judy) have
shipped nearly 750 books--about 450 to individuals and the rest to pottery
supply dealers. We are current on shipping for orders received by yesterday
noon except for 3 or 4 where the check is "in the mail". The Priority
Mail/Air Mail shipments should all be delivered by Tuesday or Wednesday
(actually 95% of them should be there by today-Saturday)--book rate
shipments will take a few days longer--surface mail to Germany and
Australia--well they will get there when they get there. By about Jan. 30
you will also be able to buy the book at 14 pottery supply dealers in the US
and Canada--their names and addresses are posted on our
web site.

For me, I'm euphoric but my backside is dragging; therefore Judy and I are
headed to where it is warm for a couple weeks. While I am gone my daughter
will keep up with the shipping as best she can; however, since she has a day
job AND a 2 year old things will undoubtedly slow down a bit.

Ron will be available for any problems, but please be patient on getting
them resolved until I get back--particularly if they are in the US.

Again, thanks


Web sites: and

"The life so short, the craft so long to learn." Chaucer's translation of
Hippocrates, 5th cent. B.C.

BeardiePaw on sat 26 jan 02

OOOh, mine came today! Thanks for a wonderful job on a subject near and
dear to my heart!
Sherry Morrow

Andi Fasimpaur on sat 26 jan 02

At 09:34 AM 1/26/02 -0500, you wrote:
>By about Jan. 30 you will also be able to buy the book at 14 pottery
>supply dealers in the US and Canada--their names and addresses are posted
>on our web site.

Just a quick note to say that our local supplier got their copies in
yesterday... was in with a friend when I saw it, was so excited I almost
bought a copy right then and there, even though I knew that if they had
theirs, mine should arrive in the mail the same day, no later than
monday... sure enough, when I got home last night, it was sitting on top of
my mailbox... (wasn't really worried, I'm not sure my neighbors can
read...) I'm almost sorry I didn't purchase locally, but how was I to know
that they would get the book, it's so hard to tell...


fighting with a kitten who wants to be cuddled and having trouble deciding
whether to finish the novel I've been wading through for a week (big clunky
hard covers are so uncomfortable to read... I hate that I lack the patience
to wait for the soft-cover release of books in well loved series) or
abandon it in favor of glazes... can't possibly do anything with glazes for
at least a couple of days, so i'll read the novel and cuddle the kitten...
mastering glazes can wait until I can give it my full attention.

Les Lowe on wed 6 feb 02


Just received my book today and I am so excited. I have read 2 chapters
already and can hardly wait to finish it. The glazes are beautiful. Thanks
so much!
