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cone 6 vitrious slip - does it exist?

updated mon 28 jan 02


Leslie Laurent on sat 26 jan 02

Would anyone care to share it if they have one?

Also, I'm wondering how one knows if a slip
is vitrious or not. Is there a test? Or do you
just know from the ingredients? Sort of like
knowing broccoli when you see it. =20

Grass Valley, CA

Celia Littlecreek on sun 27 jan 02

I wish I knew what "vitreous" meant. There are slips that vitrify (is that
the same as vitreous?) at cone 6. porcelain doll makers use it. Used for
slip casting.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Leslie Laurent"
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 12:42 PM
Subject: Cone 6 Vitrious Slip - does it exist?

Would anyone care to share it if they have one?

Also, I'm wondering how one knows if a slip
is vitrious or not. Is there a test? Or do you
just know from the ingredients? Sort of like
knowing broccoli when you see it.

Grass Valley, CA

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