Craig Martell on sun 27 jan 02
Dear white clay enthusiasts:
Tile 6 kaolin from DBK Minerals is a plastic workable kaolin. Sapphire
Kaolin from KT Clays is very plastic and workable but not as white as most
would like. ECC Standard Porcelain is a good white kaolin and is plastic
and throwable. ECC Super Standard is very white but not as plastic as
Standard. EPK is fairly plastic and white but I've never been able to make
porcelain bodies with EPK that dry well. Too much warping and uneven drying.
A really good combo of kaolins for a white throwing body are: Tile 6 and
Kaopaque 20 with a small bit of Sapphire Kaolin or a white burning Ball
Clay. Kaopaque 20 is a non plastic kaolin but it adds whiteness to a
body. With Tile 6 which is really plastic you can use some Kaopaque 20
without sacrificing workability. You can use ECC Standard alone with a bit
of vee gum or macaloid.
Grolleg is nice in glazes! :>)
regards, Craig Martell in Oregon
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