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marguerite wildenhain's response to leach

updated sat 2 feb 02


James Bowen on thu 31 jan 02

In the book American Ceramics: 1876 to the present pp237-238
Garth Clark states "In response to Leach's comment that the
American Ceramist was without a taproot, Marguerite
Wildenhain wrote in ' An open letter to Bernard Leach from
Marguerite Wildenhain" (Craft Horizons 12 May-June 1953).
' ought to be clear that American potters cannot
possibly grow roots by implanting Sung pottery or by copying
the way of life of the rural population of Japan. Conscious
copying of the works of a culture unrelated to the mind and
soul of our generation would only produce dubious makeshifts
and turn our struggling potters into either dilettantes or
pure fakes. As creative craftsmen, we reject the tendency to
force our generation into a mold that does not belong to
it.' "

Stay Centered
James Bowen
Boyero CO

Lee Love on fri 1 feb 02

----- Original Message -----
From: "James Bowen"

> As creative craftsmen, we reject the tendency to
> force our generation into a mold that does not belong to
> it.' "

It should also be recognized that a full cup cannot recieve anything.
Ancient Chinese wiseguy say: "It is the empty place in the bowl is what makes
it useful. "

Lee In Mashiko, Japan

"We can only wait here, where we are in the world, obedient to its processes,
patient in its taking away, faithful to its returns. And as much as we may
know, and all that we deserve of earthly paradise will come to us."
Wendell Berry , Full Quote: