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kickwheel vs.electric

updated mon 4 feb 02


F.Chapman Baudelot on sun 3 feb 02

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When I changed over from my kickwheel to an electric Pacifica 400 several=20
years ago, the first thing I noticed was a pain in my lower back and left=20
hip, obviously due to the imbalance between my left and right feet. This=
was easily compensated by nailing a pedal-sized piece of wood to the floor=
on the left side of the wheel. By always keeping my left foot on the=20
block when the right one was on the pedal, I have never again suffered=20
from any kind of pain. Here in Spain (where I still have my beloved=20
Pacifica, having shipped it over with my desktop computer anda few kilos of=
oxides and other glaze materials and all my tools; no clothes or anything=20
like that, of course) I have a tiled floor in my potting shed, so the block=
of wood is free standing. However, it is just as effective.
By the way, my Pacifica works with a transformer now, but before I left I=20
emailed Laguna about changing the voltage. I had an immediate response=20
telling me exactly what needed to be done and how I could do it. However,=
as I did not have time to get the necessary circuit card from Laguna before=
I left, they told me they would send me one should I ever need it, but that=
the transformer would be just as good. This is just to say that many of our=
suppliers, like Stephen from L&L, Mark Ward, Tim Frederich, Arthur Howard=20
and probably others I don't recall at present, are extremely helpful to us=
and deserve our gratitude.

Fran=E7oise in Spain, still waiting for the diesel kiln to be delivered=20
'ma=F1ana', lol

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