Curtis Nelson on wed 6 feb 02
Hank -
At the upcoming KC NCECA, how about bringing along
ane of your batts with the stiff foam rubber glued to
it? And your ball-bearing foot roller, while you're at
Seeing and touching these things would enlighten me and
a lot of others, too.
Do you set up in the commercial area with your cut off
wires and faceting tools, or do we scout you down in
the clayart room?
Later -
Curt Nelson
Hank Murrow on thu 7 feb 02
>Hank -
>At the upcoming KC NCECA, how about bringing along
>ane of your batts with the stiff foam rubber glued to
>it? And your ball-bearing foot roller, while you're at
>Seeing and touching these things would enlighten me and
>a lot of others, too.
>Do you set up in the commercial area with your cut off
>wires and faceting tools, or do we scout you down in
>the clayart room?
>Later -
>Curt Nelson
Dear Curt;
As is usual, I haven't the jack to get to KC for NCECA, so you'll
have to rely on my fortitude and alacrity in getting pics of the process to
the website. I thinks they'll show how it is done adequately, so take
another peek in two weeks to see if I have added
this info.
Cheers, Hank
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