iandol on wed 13 feb 02
Some time ago I proposed that the bubbles in some glaze tests I had done =
were due to the release of Oxygen gas.
Well, it appears that this proposal may have some support and that my =
ideas were not without merit. Not only is it possible but it appears =
that the phenomenon can occur in an oxidising atmosphere. Those of you =
who have access to university archives may wish to check this one out.
Hostetter, J. C. and Roberts, H. S: J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 1921, 4, =
Should anyone get access and read this I'm sure there are others who =
would like to know about this research into the colour of iron in =
glazes. It would be interesting to see how this information relates to =
Celadon Blues and how the size of the oxygen bubbles influence the =
visual character of this glaze style.
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis. Redhill, South Australia
(Thank you Northern Councils Travelling Library, thank you for a first =
edition on Interlibrary Loan.)
mariko cruse on wed 13 feb 02
Dear Ivor,
Thanks for your response the other day on Epsom Salt.
This reference article you sited for Bubbles in Glaze Tests seems available
from the Library you mentioned. Would you mind telling me how to get hold
of this article? Thank you in advance. Mariko
----- Original Message -----
From: "iandol"
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 11:33 PM
Subject: Bubbles in Gaze Tests
Some time ago I proposed that the bubbles in some glaze tests I had done
were due to the release of Oxygen gas.
Well, it appears that this proposal may have some support and that my ideas
were not without merit. Not only is it possible but it appears that the
phenomenon can occur in an oxidising atmosphere. Those of you who have
access to university archives may wish to check this one out.
Hostetter, J. C. and Roberts, H. S: J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 1921, 4, 927-938
Should anyone get access and read this I'm sure there are others who would
like to know about this research into the colour of iron in glazes. It would
be interesting to see how this information relates to Celadon Blues and how
the size of the oxygen bubbles influence the visual character of this glaze
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis. Redhill, South Australia
(Thank you Northern Councils Travelling Library, thank you for a first
edition on Interlibrary Loan.)
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