MOLINA, RAFAEL on tue 12 feb 02
>strange, if this is the National Council on EDUCATION in the Ceramics =
Arts, i would think that >karen's suggestion would be an integral part =
of the program, not a sideshow.
You make a great point! IMHO, the word "education" in NCECA is a little =
misleading. It's educational in the same way that a Ranger game is when =
I go out to the Ballpark or the way Lone Star Park is when I go watch =
the ponies run.
I'm informed by the experience of the conference (exhibitions, =
demonstrations, panel discussions, lectures, commercial exhibits, =
etc,...), but it rarely, if ever, deals with pedagogy which is the "art =
or profession of teaching." I don't believe I've ever seen anything on =
the program which deals with curriculum development, teaching methods or =
strategies, etc,...
This is a shame because I think programs at the conference could rectify =
the lack of teaching preparation in an MFA degree plan. Graduate =
programs emphasize the subject matter, but not techniques for =
disseminating the information.
Most MFA programs require 21-27 credit hours in the major area, 9-15 =
hours in the minor area, 12 hours Art History, credit hours for thesis =
and exhibition, and 3 credit hours in a course called "Seminar in =
University Teaching" (This course was very valuable to me as taught by =
Micki McCarter at UNT). As you can see teaching methods get short =
shrift in the prescribed course of study for an MFA and the result is =
graduates who are skilled in making, but poorly prepared to organize a =
course and tutor others.
I was fortunate because as an undergraduate my minor was in Art =
Education. As a result, I took a slew of Art Ed and Ed courses that I =
feel gave me a foundation upon which I could grow and develop as an =
educator. I also have to give credit to a number of different Deans of =
Instruction who shared vital information about writing course syllabi =
and other educational materials.
I think Karen's idea about an informal session is great. I would like =
to see it in the future as at least a breakout session or a =
lecture/panel discussion as a regular part of the program.
Rafael Enrique
Rafael Molina, MFA
Assistant Professor of Art
Department of Music, Art, and Dance
Tarrant County College-Southeast Campus
2100 Southeast Parkway
Arlington, TX 76018-3144
(817) 515-3711
(817) 515-3189 fax
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Molanphy [mailto:bmolanphy@COLORADOCOLLEGE.EDU]
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 12:11 PM
Subject: nceca - karen terpstra
karen t wrote:
'Would a few of you professors on the list be interested in meeting at
NCECA and discussing syllabi? Maybe meet sometime in the Clayart Room?
It would be a great help for new Prof's especially I think. Doesn't
have to limited to Prof's either---anyone sincerely interested in
strange, if this is the National Council on EDUCATION in the Ceramics =
i would think that karen's suggestion would be an integral part of the
program, not a sideshow. hey, i loved the denver conference and am =
forward to kc, but want to play devil's advocate. with all the =
programs that are scheduled on the nceca poster, don't y'all think that =
meeting like the one karen proposes should get publicity and a ballroom
space? yes it's too late this year. but generally, isn't this why nceca =
(who acknowledges that the shift key is occasionally useful)
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