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slab rollers for tile making

updated wed 13 feb 02


Mark Mondloch on tue 12 feb 02

Hi Pam,

You sound like someone who might be able to give me some input. ;)

I've been thinking of buying the Bailey Drive Board 30inch slab roller. I
make garden benches and currently hand-roll a slab on heavy plastic, trim
it to about 22 in x 46 in., then lift the edge of the plastic and slide a
styrofoam form underneath. What I'm wondering is 1. will I be able to get a
trimmed slab at least 22x46 from that 30 inch slab roller and 2. will I be
able to roll the slab with a heavy sheet of plastic between the slab and the
board. (The plastic is important to me because I can cut right through it
into the styrofoam when I section the bench.)

Sylvia Mondloch

Mark & Sylvia Mondloch
Silver Creek Pottery & Forge
W6725 Hwy 144
Random Lake ,Wi 53075

> I have a Bailey 30 in. slab roller and most of the time use a thin board
> under the clay when rolling out the slab in oder to handle the large slab
> alone. I then cut and dry the tiles between dry wall board and do not
> a problem with them warping. Some are also 20 x 20 in size.
> Pam Pasko