Karin Abromaitis on fri 15 feb 02
I missed this last year. Is it happening again this year? How might I g=
o about joining in this time around? The other Karin with an i.
Karin A.
Christena Schafale on mon 18 feb 02
Email me at my home email (candle@intrex.net) and I will put you on the
list and send you the message with details. Please include your mailing
Chris Schafale
At 07:17 PM 2/15/02 -0500, you wrote:
>I missed this last year. Is it happening again this year? How might I go
>about joining in this time around? The other Karin with an i.
>Karin A.
>Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
>You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
>settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
>Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
Consultation and Referral Specialist
Resources for Seniors
Phone: (919) 713-1537
FAX: (919) 872-9574
1110 Navaho Dr, Suite 400
Raleigh, NC 27609
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