Richard Selfridge on sun 17 feb 02
When Carol and I saw Pete receive his NCECA award in Las Vegas in 1997 we
wondered if he would make it to the stage and back, let alone live and work
for another five years. Because of the cancer, he was in really rough shape
and so when we saw him at the Bray 50th celebration this last June in
Helena, we were pleasantly surprised that he was still productive, funny,
insightful and kind.
On the panel on Friday afternoon we got the benefit of his sometimes self
deprecating wit when he told of struggling to throw those tall nordic
bottle forms he had seen in books and magazines only to discover that the
real ones were only 4 to 6 inches high, not the two feet tall ones he was
On Saturday as he worked with the help of John Balistreri on one of his
monumental stack pieces a delightful exchange took place when Francis
Senska came in. It was very crowded in part because of the many collectors
who had come to the event. The previous night's auction had raised nearly
$300,000 for the Bray scholarship fund. Most of these folks didn't know who
this 88 year old gal was who was standing in front of them waiting to talk
to Pete. More than one of them said "sit down lady". After he gave her a
hug, he turned to John and said to some amazed viewers, "John I'd like you
to meet my teacher".
Later that evening at the dance,(all this took place in the workshop in
the clay business warehouse), Pete visited with folks as he and John
cleaned up the last pieces and he signed autographs. A mixed audience of
current and former residents, collectors, professional potters, teachers
and students all enjoyed being in the moment with a most extrordinary
maker. With the Big Sky Mudflap band playing in the background, we all had
a last dance with Pete.
Regards, Richard and Carol Selfridge
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