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clayart body...h2: a titanium bearing porcelain

updated thu 21 feb 02


iandol on wed 20 feb 02

Dear Gavin Stairs,

You propose <>

Please explain.

Why the Titanium, presumably meaning the pure dioxide and not Rutile or =
Ilmenite ? Would this not cause opacification of a material which is =
supposed to be translucent. I suspect though it may improve whiteness =
the high refractive index would cause problems.

Best regards,

Ivor Lewis. Redhill, South Australia

Gavin Stairs on wed 20 feb 02

Hi Ivor,

No, the reference was just to North American kaolins, which contain
sufficient Ti to spoil the translucence of true porcelains. I wanted to
avoid specifying a European or Asian kaolin, for the benefit od the North
Americans on the list.


At 02:19 PM 20/02/2002 +1030, Ivor wrote:
>Dear Gavin Stairs,
>You propose <>
>Please explain.