Russel Fouts on fri 22 feb 02
I got this message from Paul Lewing.
" Russel (and everyone else) since I brought those horrible examples two
years in a row, and I'll be showing some better quality slides of my
work at the Glaze Doctor session, I'm not going to bring them again. But
I do think they were an instructive example. So I'd like to challenge
the group to top (or bottom?) them. We don't need to see a lot of them,
but I think seeing a few slides that have every possible fault is a good
lesson. So if you have some with poor lighting, distracting
backgrounds, big glare spots, out of focus, poor framing, especially if
you have some with all of these faults in one slide, bring them on. We
won't laugh at you. Well OK, we will, but we'll stop when we see the
CM-cover quality slides you're taking now. I've heard rumors that Dale
Neese has slides of his pots shot on freshly plowed fields,
some even with honest to God Texas "road apples" in the background. Now
those would be shitty slides! Paul Lewing, Seattle "
Agree that it would be a great example. We only need one or two
volunteers. You could even do "before and after"
If you're too embarassed to show your bad slides, just blame them on Ron
Roy like Paul did. ;-)
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