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stay at home mug exchange, last call to join or quit

updated thu 28 feb 02


Chris Schafale on sun 24 feb 02

Greetings all,

***Please check the list below for your name, even if you don't
remember signing up -- every year we have a couple of people with
"half-heimer's disease" who sign up and then forget all about it.

As of today, we have 177 "mugs" being exchanged by 173 potters.
It's a great group, representing potters from all over the US and
Canada plus Ireland, England, and New Zealand. Now is the time
to fish or cut bait. If you signed up but don't have a mug to send, or
got cold feet, you can still drop out now, without disappointing
anyone. There is no shame in dropping out now! Please, if you
aren't going to be able to follow through promptly, just say so and I
will gladly take you off the list!

If you forgot to sign up, you still can until Wednesday, when I will
send the final pairings to the exchangers. If you thought you
signed up but are not on the list, please let me know right away.

Following is the list of exchangers. Due to the vagaries of email,
they are in FIRST NAME ORDER.

Alecia Miller, Alexis Lynn Evans, Althea Vail, Andi Bauer, Angela Simmons,
Angela Amos, Anita Swan, Anj Campbell, Anji Henderson, Ann Brink,
Ann Semple, Art Stilson, Audrey Skeen, Becky Schroeder, Billie Schwab,
Bobbie Bassett, Bonnie Hellman, B'racha Pickering, Carla Allen, Carole Fox,
Carolyn Palmer, Catherine Ortynsky, Celeste Sabel, Celia Littlecreek, Charles
Hughes, Charles Moore, Chris Cantello, Chris Koivisto, Christine Barros,
Cindy Griffis, Cindy Strnad, Colleen Joerger, Connie Christensen,
Connie Waring, D.B. Garner, Dai Scott, David Dahlquist, Debbie Jestin,
Debbie Tucker, Deborah Schlegel, Dennis Davis, Diane Ayers,
Diane Lamb-Wanucha, Diane Winters, Dianna Abell, Dinah Collopy,
Don Hoskisson, Don Jung, Dorothy Weber, Duane Collins, Elaine Crofts,
Elca Branman, Eleanor Arkowitz, Elisabeth Maurland, Elizabeth Hewitt,
Elizabeth Judd, Elaine Oliver, Erin Hayes, Francine Epstein, Fred Paget,
Fred Pinkul, Gayle Bair, Gene Arnold, Gina Cooper, Ginny Bivaletz,
Greg Marshall, Gretchen Woodman, Gretchen Zinkan, Heather Bosworth,
Heidi Haugen, Ilene Mahler, Janet Smith, Janis Harrison, Jeanne Wood,
Jeff Seefeldt, Jeff Walker (2 mugs), Jennifer Firestone, Jewel Rubin,
Jim Mason, Jonathan Kirkendell, Jonathan Pennington, Judi Buchanan,
Judith Marvin, Judy Frederick,Judy Labovitz, Judy Shreve, June MacDonald,
Karen Ann Peters, Karin Abromaitis, Kate Johnson, Kate Wilson,
Kathy Greaves, Kelly Savino, Ken Kang, Kimi Wolff (4 items),
Kit Shannon, Kris Bliss, Kristen McEvoy, Lauren Bellero, Lee Daniels,
Lee Bedford, Lela Martens, Lena Wells, Les Crimp, Liisa Reid, Linda Christen,
Linda Knapp, Lisa Skeen, Llewellyn Kouba, Lois Ruben Aronow, Lori Richter,
Lou Roess, Marcia Menuskin, Margaret Arial, Marge Carson,
Marianne Lombardo, Mary Crabtree, Mary Patterson, Matthew Blumenthal,
Mayssan Shora Farra, Megan Ratchford, Milton Markey, Nikki Simmons,
Noel Gilliam, Nora Robbins, Paige Furr, Pat Colyar, Patrice Murtha,
Pat Stern, Paul Taylor, Penni Stoddart, Phil Davenport, Polly Coe, Rhonda
Choate, Richard Taylor, Rick Brady, Robert Moore, Roger Bourland,
Ron Philbeck, Ronda Clark, Rose Pinkul, Rudy Bauer, Sally Strasser,
Sam Cuttell, Sandra Taylor, Sandy Miller, Sara JH Ashodian, Sarah House
Saundra Poces, Sharon Starkson, Sheron Roberts, Sherry Smedley,
Sonya Meeker, Stephen Cappelli, Steve Dalton, Sue Beach, Susan Balentine
Susan Barksdale, Susan Erickson, Susan Kosko, Suzanne Kraman,
Terri Kennedy, Tim Frain, Tim Lynch, Toni Marie Smith, Tracy Cantello,
Ursula Vann, Valerie Hawkins, Valerie Johnson, Valice Raffi, Veena Raghavan,
Wayne Lewis, William Edwards, Yvonne Tahja

Let the mugs fly!

Chris Schafale
Light One Candle Pottery
Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina, USA
(south of Raleigh)

Bruce Girrell on mon 25 feb 02

Please add us:

Lynne and Bruce Girrell
532 Webster St.
Traverse City, MI 49686

We participated last year as well.

Bruce Girrell

Deissler, Matt on tue 26 feb 02

I would also like to be included in this year's exchange. Thank you.


Matt Deissler

1430 Black Ike Road

Watkinsville, GA 30677

joseph carames on wed 27 feb 02

Please include me too:

Joseph Carames
PO Box 20062
New York, NY 10025 emails to juno may get lost among the clayart emails
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