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extruder mystery & slip trailing

updated wed 27 feb 02


LOGAN OPLINGER on tue 26 feb 02

Extruder Mystery:
The clay coming out of an extruder curls at first because as the clay passes through the die, there is some drag on one side of the die which is more than on the opposite side. This slows the clay down more on one side than the other. This will happen for a couple of reasons, (1) if on one side of the die there is more friction as a result of the die being less smooth, or more complex in shape, or (2) the clay coming out of the die is not of uniform plasticity (stiffer).

Once enough clay has been extruded for gravity pulling on the clay to overcome the uneven resistance, the clay will be pulled down straight.

Slip Trailing:
For stainless steel hypodermic tubing of many gauge sizes--
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Logan Oplinger


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