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going back to george ohr

updated sun 3 mar 02


j.a.velez on sat 2 mar 02


Just a note of interest:

A couple of weeks ago I visited NOMA (New Orleans Museum of Art). There =
is a wing dedicated to ceramic and glass. Very extensive collection =
including works by Hamada, Leach and others. Across the building in a =
section, which I am not sure has a cohesive theme (maybe the Southern =
culture), there is some work by George Ohr with some biographical notes =
and an article about finding a warehouse with his work, etc. At the =
time I did not think about it, but afterward I thought that, intended or =
unintended, the separation of his work was making a statement. This =
work was an oddity, an aberration, something of interest. I thought =
that if Ohr is an artist that pushed the enveloped, a transitional =
figure to contemporary American ceramics then his work should be in the =
other wing, side by side with Hamada's and Leach's. Will his work =
eventually move across, only time will tell.

By the way his work still does not appeal to me, so let me sign with,

Not a convert, just an interested observer.

Regards, Jose A. Velez