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value of pots in a pinch

updated tue 12 mar 02


Rose Pinkul on mon 11 mar 02

Hi Bob
In North Carolina they would have started bidding. I have seen fairly new NC pots go at auction for more than they cost at a show.

Bob Pulley wrote:

> Do they ever take the pots? I was running out of gas years ago in southern Indiana (before I had a credit card). Out of money too. I had a very nice (I thought) stoneware vase in my back seat. I probably would have asked $30 at a craft fair. I went into a Dairy Queen and held up the pot and anounced to all that I would sell this pot for $5. The incredulous stairs led me to believe that the crowd was ready to call the cops on this fool. Fortunatly I was able to detour to a friend's house for a loan.
> Bob

Rose Pinkul
Pinkul Pottery
Phone 828-652-7430
Fax 828-652-2171